
the writerly life

First off, hooray for all our new posters! Makes me smile all over to read all this awesome.

Sorry for my absence, I can only offer the pathetic “things have been hectic” excuse. But life has been moving faster than I can catch it, lately. However, tomorrow things really ramp up, for tomorrow my baby comes home! After 24 days in the NICU, I am so pumped to finally get him home. This also comes at a time when I’m editing a book, trying to finish a book, doing some freelance CSS work for extra cash, AND trying to keep my house from falling down around my ears. Life! It’s up to my neck.

When I quit my job to be a writer full time, I had these lovely visions of long, quiet hours filled with the clatter of keys as ideas flew from my fingers unhindered by the mundane realities of the work-a-day world. As you can probably guess, it didn’t really turn out that way.  Moving writing from hobby to full time doesn’t make the words come any easier, or make the plot knots less sticky. It just gave me more time to fret about them, and less, because now I’m on a schedule. Don’t get me wrong, writing full time is a blessed, wonderful, luxurious thing. However, in my fantasies I forgot to account for the whole “life marching on” part of life marching on.

What I’m trying to say is that so far, after 6 months of working for myself as a writer, this is what I’ve learned about the writerly life:

  1. I spend about the same amount of time being distracted and off target as I did at my real job.
  2. I am no smarter, wittier, or more eloquent than I was before I dedicated my life to art.
  3. The internet is still interesting, chores still need to get done, and people still call at the absolute worst time.
  4. The first draft of any novel will still suck, whether I wrote it in the mornings before work or spent six hours a day on it.
  5. I do not necessarily get more words now, writing for 6 hours, than I did before I got my agent, when I wrote for 2.
  6. Despite all of the above, the flashes of awesome, of being able to really dig into a scene when you’re going strong without watching the clock, make everything worth it.

I imagine all of these will continue to be true after the kid comes home, only in shorter bursts punctuated by loud screaming. However, I am ready! Bring it on.

6 Responses to “the writerly life”

  1. January 17, 2010 at 6:03 am

    I’m so glad your baby is coming home! That’s great news.

  2. January 17, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    {big sigh}

    Thanks for this post. I just blogged about how I sometimes wish I were bold enough to quit my day job. It’s nice to know that it’s probably not necessary.

    (And hehe still I can’t wait for the day that I CAN quit my job and write full time!)

  3. 3 Terri-Lynne
    January 21, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    The baby is BEAUTIFUL!!! Yay on bringing him home. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to leave him there so long.

    6. Despite all of the above, the flashes of awesome, of being able to really dig into a scene when you’re going strong without watching the clock, make everything worth it.

    No truer words exist.

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