
The Velveteen Writer

Oh, it’s my turn.  Hello, Magic District!  Thank you so much, Founders, for inviting me to join such an amazing, brilliant group of writers. 

I figure for my first turn here I’d start off by introducing myself.  Er, let’s see – my name is Michele Lang, I write a lot of stuff, I have a bunch of kids and husband and stuff.   LADY LAZARUS, a historical urban fantasy, is coming out this fall, the first of a series, and I’m beyond thrilled about it.  And, well. . .blah de blah blah blah. . .

Okay, none of that stuff really matters in the District.  I was well and truly chuffed when the Founders asked me to join, and I will tell you why.  First, the obvious – look at the company I keep here.  Whoa.

But it’s more than the names, the outward lists of accomplishments and books and demographic data.  It’s the fact that I get to join them, and you, in the District.  The name of this place dazzles me, dares me to think of the possibilities.

The Magic District isn’t just the realm where our characters wield their power.  It’s the place where writers go to find their characters, the good stuff, the stories – the basement, the dark place, the Nevernever.  Whatever you call it when, trembling, you sneak off to the blank page, the blinking computer cursor, and you somehow, out of nowhere, find your soul’s true home.

To introduce myself in the District, I have to say something like this:  I have disturbing dreams.  Books I love change something inside of me, like a spiritual alchemy.  When I start revisions of a first draft, the first thing I watch out for is the dreaded “brain on a stick” syndrome – where my characters act and react, but I don’t internalize their feelings enough to give the reader an emotional handle.

These are the passions that infuse my writing, that make me Real – like the Velveteen rabbit, I forget myself and my many limitations (thanks, Kalayna, for getting me thinking and inspiring the title of this intro!).  I am so excited to explore the District, the well-lighted, temperate parts, and the bad neighborhoods, the scary, rat-scuttling, stomach stabbing parts as well.  Writing is not all sweetness and light, as well you know.  That’s part of what makes it so profoundly awesome.

Wild screed over for now.  Have a wonderful week!

6 Responses to “The Velveteen Writer”

  1. 1 Terri-Lynne
    January 11, 2010 at 9:42 am

    Welcome, Michele! I look forward to future posts about stuff! 🙂

  2. 2 michelelang
    January 11, 2010 at 9:49 am

    Thanks, Terri-Lynne 🙂 So much good stuff out there to think about!

  3. January 11, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    I hope to enjoy many future posts, Michele.

    I agree that the name is really kick-ass. 🙂

  4. January 11, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    I’m so looking forward to reading Lady Lazarus when it hits the shelves. Thank you for everything, Michele. You made an enormous difference in my writing life, and I was so glad to meet you in person at the RWA conference last year. I hope to see you at a conference again soon. Cheers!

  5. January 12, 2010 at 3:44 am

    Will Lady Lazarus be coming to the UK? It sounds intriguing!

  6. January 12, 2010 at 9:26 am

    Thanks, Atsiko — it is great to be here.

    Vicky, that’s a funny thing b/c it was amazing to meet you at RWA too, and you’ve had more effect on me than you realize. I’ve been helped by enormous armies of angels, both earthly and unseen — I did so little to help you in comparison! Big hugs and thank you so much for coming by — I hope to see you here often.

    Yunaleska — I’m so glad you are intrigued 😉 As of now, LL is set for US release, but I am hoping for more. Will certainly keep you posted as I go along!

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